YES, it was my Birthday yesterday the 23.8.
With every Birthday we not only get gifted presents and are showered with love... but we also are gifted a new energetic field or personal year energy. Being born on the 23.8. this means I have started my personal year #7 (2+3+8+2+0+1+9 = 25 2+5=7). To make things worse (or better?) I am also a Life Path #7. What does it all mean? Let me tell you.... People with a #7 life path like to learn form their own mistakes (go me!), therefore somewhat rejecting guidance (yay... go me!). People with a #7 life path like to learn through personal involvement (hands on!). The positive is... once they have learned the lesson it is for life. Making the same mistake twice is very rare, even unheard of. The #7 life path souls have a deep philosophical understanding. They recognise and believe that everything occurs for a reason and has a purpose. What they are really good at is... reading between the lines. It is very hard to Bullshit a Life Path #7! They are gifted with a strong intuition. Picking up on higher frequencies is child's play for them. Life Path #7 souls love their privacy and alone time. Water (YES to the beach/ocean!) brings great balance into their life. Just in case you are interested..... #7 is ruled by Neptune (visions, dreams, psychic and metaphysical abilities). Anyway... so now, here I am the Life Path #7 in a personal year #7.... all good right? Well... maybe not .... The #7 is the number of sacrifice (I had my share... Thank you.... no more... Thank you)... but... at the same time it brings a lot of guidance. The trick for me now is.... to LISTEN to the higher guidance. This may come from the out - or inside. The good thing is that... in a personal year 7 metaphysical and spiritual matters are of great interest (oh YES! watch this space!). What does this mean? New workshops (teaching or taking... and I have already signed up for a few workshops this year! AND planing on teaching a NEW one very soon...) The URGE to teach will surface (YES... I feel a new workshop coming on....) This is a year where I truly NEED to listen to MY Intuition (for myself... for others it works well). This is a great year for mental cleansing and laying the foundation for inner strength. Spending time near water (hellooooo beach) will bring benefits on all levels. This is a great year to write (journal started....) Letting go of other people's problems....might be a little harder, but I'll try Sooo if I see the glass as half full (counting my blessings) and listen to my intuition.... reconnect with me, myself and I.... TEACH.... spend time near the water .... then.... Major spiritual development is in the cards... The trick for a fantastic personal year 7 is to LISTEN! Wish me luck :) Love & Light Toni Comments are closed.
February 2022