Bucket list... Do you have one? Do you have a list of things you want to do and places you want to go to see? To make matters worse, is this bucket getting fuller and fuller, squashing your dreams and aspirations you once had to the bottom ... to be forgotten?
I personally never liked bucket lists and therefore don't have one. My aspirations and dreams keep changing, with one constant.... I like where I am, what I do and what I stand for. So all I need is right here with me. A family and friends that I cherish, a home I love and a job that I love getting up for every day. Am I fortunate? Yes I am and immensely grateful. Was I fed with a silver spoon and everything just fell/falls into my lap? I wish Do I need or want to see places before I die? NO Do I want to jump out of a plane or do some other crazy things? NO All the crazy I need and want in my life is right here and now with me. Sure, I love travelling and go on a holiday and experience different cultures as everyone else... but it doesn't have to be, it is not a necessity for me. I guess what I am trying to say is... Everything you need is right there, inside you. Doing crazy things or going to see exotic places will not change the essence of who you are. It may highlight it but not change. So... why squash your dreams and put a condition on them. You know the ones..... I'll do this... when I go see this... when. Today do something you always wanted to do but never found the time, or just felt bad if you would have.... Go see that movie after dropping off the kids at school.... Go to the beach on a Thursday... Have lunch with a friend.... jump out of a plane... what ever it is DO IT! Time is the most valuable "thing" we have. The "one day I will" speech....forget about it. Make plans today to achieve that goal. Yes! right now! What do you need to achieve your dream? You want to travel and have no money? Look at your budget. Is there options to pay for your holiday. Time? Take all these accumulated holidays, what are you saving them for? Organise someone to look after your house and pets when you are away. Health? How can you manage your health when you are away... Is there support. What you don't want is to one day say... I wish I would have.... Live today! Life is short and later might never come. Time is your most valuable item you have on earth. Make it count! Do or don't do.... but BE On this note....I am off to spend some time Overseas with family and friends. Never know when the next time will be.... Love & Cherish always Toni As you might know, I have participated in a few Fairs lately, “show-casing” my talents, so to speak.
I LOVE doing readings and healings for people. I LOVE shedding some light on issues you might encounter, providing you with insights, confirmation, guidance… and inspiration. The question that keeps “popping” up is…. How did it start for you? How did you start? When did you know that it is not just in your head? Well, let me share my story (don’t worry I try to keep it short). As a child I had spirit encounters, went on astral travels frequently, talked to Spirit and had very weird and at times scary dreams, so much so that my parents installed a night light (it was a soft green light – AA Raphael, but not that anyone was aware of it back then). Was I aware of what I was doing? No. For me it was all normal until the night when my beloved great-grandma passed away. I woke up and saw her sitting on my bed; just sitting there… saying her good-byes. Needless to say that this experience freaked me out and from then on I shut the Spirit World out. I was 7 years old. I now was in my mid 30’s, lots has happened since I was 7 years old… but… I kid you not, one morning I woke up with the URGE to learn REIKI. Yes I knew about Reiki, since my mum was a Reiki Practitioner for quite some time. Did I think it was the greatest thing under the sun? A big fat NO! Didn’t believe in any of it! And yet… here I am waking up with the urge to learn it. Weird… or guidance from “upstairs”? To cut a long story short I listened to the nudges and enrolled to do a Reiki level I workshop and get attuned to the Reiki energy. As they say, the rest is history. At first I didn’t notice much change, but my family sure did. My husband says to this day that getting “involved” with Reiki was the best thing I have ever done (big statement LOL). I started to feel more calm and balanced. Life started to flow… and… my sixth sense woke up again. Everything around me started to fall into place. Work, finances, family, friends… just because my energy changed, my outlook changed, my expectations changed and I changed. After a period of Self-Healing (a few months), I then went on to get attuned to Reiki II. And again, things started to fall into place in my “Spiritual world”. I started to be of service to others. Now, being a Reiki Master, it gives me great joy to attune souls to the Reiki energy and assist them on their journey. Just like many other tools, Reiki is a tool too, a very gentle tool. Reiki is Universal life energy, which balances and harmonises yourself, situations, places, conditions…. Reiki works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I Reiki myself everyday (mainly before I go to sleep or when I meditate). Reiki truly has changed my life and those around me for the better. I also have a healing list, which contains people, places, events and situations, where I send healing to on a regular basis. Did I mention that my cats LOVE Reiki? Yes, animals love to receive as well. If you are intrigued and would love to know more… give me a hoi or email me. If you would like to get attuned to Reiki I and start your journey… give me a hoi or email me. If you would like to move forward with Reiki and get attuned to level II or Master… give me a hoi or email me. The Five Spiritual Principles of Reiki Just for today, I will let go of anger Just for today, I will let go of worry Today, I will count my many blessings Today, I will do my work honestly Today I will be kind to every living creature ~ Dr.Mikao Usui For the Highest Good Love & Light Toni |
February 2022