About Toni

Hi, I am Toni Martin, founder of Angel Teachings.
I was born in Switzerland to a Swiss mum and Italian dad. In 1989, my husband and I, made a big sea change. We moved to Brisbane Australia.
Since then we call Australia home. Having two, now grown up boys, family is super important to me. Having no immediate family here with us in Brisbane, this change of scenery wasn't easy at first, but we were and are lucky enough to have connected with beautiful souls, which we call our friends or adopted family.
I started my Spiritual journey in the year 2000 with Reiki. Getting attuned to Reiki level I truly changed my life, as it opened up the doors once again, to the Spiritual world. At this point I might add, that as a child, I was in close contact with the Angels and Spirits. Somewhere along the line, life has gotten busy and I ignored that side of me.
Shortly after I got attuned to Reiki level I, I decided to get attuned to Reiki level II and in 2006 I took the plunge and did my Reiki Master/Teacher. I love attuning people to the heart centred Reiki energy and guide them on their journey to a happy and balanced life.
In 2006 I started to reconnect and communicate with the Angels. I did the Doreen Virtue in Coolum - what a weekend!
There after new doors and opportunities opened for me - Numerology popped into my life.
Numbers say so much about oneself, our life path, weaknesses and strengths, our lessons in life and what to expect in the future. I could go on and on.... and that is why I LOVE TEACHING Numerology.
I LOVE TEACHING full stop. It brings me joy and fulfilment.
My passion is to help and guide you, so you can move forward with ease to where you need and want to be. My passion is to provide you with tools, so you can achieve YOUR goals.
Let me show you what is on offer from Angel Teachings:
Psychic Readings
Toni connects with your energy and uses her natural abilities of Clair-knowing, Clair-feeling and Clair-seeing together with Angel Cards and Numerology.
Readings can be done in person, via email or the internet where we see each other (Zoom).
You will receive clear guidance and/or confirmation.
You will walk away with a better understanding and clarity of yourself or circumstances that surround you.
You will walk away feeling uplifted and loved.
My readings are delivered straight from the heart and exactly as I receive the messages from the Angels.
Angel Parties
Toni will come to your home and read for you and a minimum of 6 maximum 10 friends.
Angel parties are fun and uplifts the whole group of friends.
Readings will be conducted in a private room on a one on one basis or in a platform environment, where all of you are in the same room.
Reiki Healing
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I provide personal one on one healing in my healing room or via distant healing
When choosing distant healing, you will receive an emailed written report on what came up during the healing to help you move forward.
Numerology - Understanding and using Numerology, Basic to Advanced
Angel Cards - How to read and and understand Angel Cards intuitively
Reiki - Reiki level I to Reiki level III attunements
All workshops can be taken on a personal one on one basis or in a small group.
I am looking forward to connect with you, guide you and see you grow.
Love & Light
I was born in Switzerland to a Swiss mum and Italian dad. In 1989, my husband and I, made a big sea change. We moved to Brisbane Australia.
Since then we call Australia home. Having two, now grown up boys, family is super important to me. Having no immediate family here with us in Brisbane, this change of scenery wasn't easy at first, but we were and are lucky enough to have connected with beautiful souls, which we call our friends or adopted family.
I started my Spiritual journey in the year 2000 with Reiki. Getting attuned to Reiki level I truly changed my life, as it opened up the doors once again, to the Spiritual world. At this point I might add, that as a child, I was in close contact with the Angels and Spirits. Somewhere along the line, life has gotten busy and I ignored that side of me.
Shortly after I got attuned to Reiki level I, I decided to get attuned to Reiki level II and in 2006 I took the plunge and did my Reiki Master/Teacher. I love attuning people to the heart centred Reiki energy and guide them on their journey to a happy and balanced life.
In 2006 I started to reconnect and communicate with the Angels. I did the Doreen Virtue in Coolum - what a weekend!
There after new doors and opportunities opened for me - Numerology popped into my life.
Numbers say so much about oneself, our life path, weaknesses and strengths, our lessons in life and what to expect in the future. I could go on and on.... and that is why I LOVE TEACHING Numerology.
I LOVE TEACHING full stop. It brings me joy and fulfilment.
My passion is to help and guide you, so you can move forward with ease to where you need and want to be. My passion is to provide you with tools, so you can achieve YOUR goals.
Let me show you what is on offer from Angel Teachings:
Psychic Readings
Toni connects with your energy and uses her natural abilities of Clair-knowing, Clair-feeling and Clair-seeing together with Angel Cards and Numerology.
Readings can be done in person, via email or the internet where we see each other (Zoom).
You will receive clear guidance and/or confirmation.
You will walk away with a better understanding and clarity of yourself or circumstances that surround you.
You will walk away feeling uplifted and loved.
My readings are delivered straight from the heart and exactly as I receive the messages from the Angels.
Angel Parties
Toni will come to your home and read for you and a minimum of 6 maximum 10 friends.
Angel parties are fun and uplifts the whole group of friends.
Readings will be conducted in a private room on a one on one basis or in a platform environment, where all of you are in the same room.
Reiki Healing
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I provide personal one on one healing in my healing room or via distant healing
When choosing distant healing, you will receive an emailed written report on what came up during the healing to help you move forward.
Numerology - Understanding and using Numerology, Basic to Advanced
Angel Cards - How to read and and understand Angel Cards intuitively
Reiki - Reiki level I to Reiki level III attunements
All workshops can be taken on a personal one on one basis or in a small group.
I am looking forward to connect with you, guide you and see you grow.
Love & Light