Has this ever happened to you?
Here I was in a local shopping centre running my errands. Picking up photos... posting them off overseas.... then the big one... Food Shopping (hate food shopping). I was using my Bank debit card all morning, paying for all the other stuff, without any problems. Then. I don't know what happened, standing at the cash register wanting to pay for my groceries.... OMG I couldn't remember my pin! My pin I used all morning.... GONE! Helloooooo Numbers are MY THING! How can I forget Numbers? All I could say to the cashier was: OMG I just forgot my pin! And whatever I tried it just did NOT come back to me.... Behind me was an elderly lady, which stated: " I hate when that happens". Oh right.... I am only in my fifties! Thoughts started to race through my head (while I was still trying to remember those damned numbers). How can I forget 4 numbers? Do I need to get tested? Because, Toni, you know, your great-grandma suffered from Dementia maybe even Alzheimers... All these thoughts... but no PIN. No lousy 4 numbers.... I had no other choice but to leave my trolley, run to the bank teller and get some cash out. Now, on that day, while shopping, a million thoughts raced through my head, mainly business ideas. Yes, I was close to the Angels and Spirit, receiving downloads (ideas & inspirations). So, I probably was a little too stuck in the spirit world, not grounded enough, not really in the NOW of what I was doing... and... my energy slowly "detached" itself from the physical, here and now. I love my spiritual work. I love what I do, so much so, that at times I do have to reel myself in to connect with the physical aspects of my whole being. After all, my soul is here to EXPERIENCE! And this can only be done on the physical level, where there is thought and feelings (at least I think so). It is super important to ground ourselves (I love to go to the beach or walk barefoot in soft grass), so that Spiritual GROWTH can occur on a physical and spiritual level. If you don't ground yourself you will feel imbalanced and irritated (or forget things like I did). So, saying that...probably, stamping my feet at the cash register would have helped? Food for thought.... Love & Light Toni If you read my previous blog, you might remember my struggle with my weight, my constant mood-swings and constant tiredness.
You might remember also, that I decided to take myself to a Naturopath. Since last August I find myself in a personal year #6, which stands for Relationships, Love, Creativity... As I always "harper" on to others... the Relationship you have with yourself is THE most important one. So it was time for me to take my one advice. My first visit at the Naturopath was... well, let's say it opened my eyes. Here I thought my body was in perfect health, as nothing (other then the left knee) really hurts. Just tired, moody and overweight. After the consult I was sent home with an eating plan and a piece of paper of what NOT to eat. Not eating certain foods, well o.k.... but one of the rules was ONLY 1 COFFEE!!!! a day. From let's say 8 cups to 1.... HUGE difference. I said to myself : Come on Toni you do have a determination arrow in your birth chart. Surely you can do this? Ha, I was so determined to get this right, that I decided to have NO coffee... you heard right form 8 to 0! My next appointment was 2 weeks later. I behaved, followed the eating plan and took the supplements. Born as a Ruling/Life Path #7 I was highly sceptical. Ruling #7 don't trust easily... but my intuition told me that I was going down the right path for me. Anyway, 2 weeks later I have lost 3kg and 7cm around my waist (bye bye bloating! bye bye fat and retained water) and I was feeling less moody and had more energy! Happy Dance? YES! I am now at week 10 (and I, yes, I sneak a coffee here and then.... BLISS) and YES I do fit in my size 14 tight jeans quite comfortably, they may be even a bit lose on me.... Am I glad that I listened to my body crying out for help? YES Am I glad that I asked help? YES Am I glad that I introduced change and changed my habits? YES Am I glad my body works as it should again? YES Did I recommend this Naturopath to my friends, family and clients? YES YES YES YES The moral of this story is.... listen to your inner voice. Even if it costs a little money... remember YOU ARE WORTH IT! Happiness comes from within. I suffered from a leaky gut... Which in spiritual terms translates to ... giving the power away (solar plexus chakra - yellow chakra). Healing my tummy (my spiritual centre) translated also to being more in tune with myself, others and the Angels. Love & Light Toni |
February 2022