What a week...everything just seems so hard, like dragging the feet through the mud.
The super full moon in Virgo doesn't seem to do me any favours either.... Anyway to my story, which put a smile on my face and I hope it will put a smile on your face too. This morning, while having coffee, suddenly I heard this tiny voice... and yes, it alerted our super cat Doris. Thought, I better go and investigate... and... OMG, the tiniest of birdies has found its way into the house (someone left the screen door open....). Shooing Doris away, I picked up the teeny tiny birdie, which was smaller than the size of my palm. The birdie was panting and the tiny heart beat a hundred miles an hour. My heart opened up.... I cupped the birdie gently, while I connected to the Universal Energy, called Reiki. Allowing the Reiki Energy to flow for the Highest Good; either the birdie will survive, or if the time has come to leave earth, it will go receiving a lot of Love. I swear, we had "a moment". We looked at one another, connecting from a place of love. My heart opened even more (if that was even possible). Standing outside, still cupping the birdie, still sending Reiki.... suddenly it just flew out of my hands, as nothing has happened. Phew, what a moment! Reiki, the Universal Life Energy, always works for the Highest Good of the recipient. In this case it wasn't the birdies time to go. I am very grateful, that I was led down the "Reiki Path" many years ago. I love being an instrument to pass on Love and Healing Energy. Sure the birdie might have survived regardless... but... the Reiki energy provided it with love and healing.... and... that moment we shared I will treasure for ever. Feeling very blessed. Reiki is a beautiful, gentle, healing energy. If you are interested to
Feel free to message me or check out my website www.angelteachings.com/ Reiki Love Toni We have just moved into our new place, on acreage a little bit out of Brisbane.
Due to living in the “bush”, we had to change to the sole internet and telephone provider available at the time in this part of Brisbane. This meant that the email address changed. If you ever changed your email address, you know that you can miss to notify a few people easily….well, as I am no computer or internet whiz I sure did. That was around the time I used to connect with like-minded people once a month at an Angel gathering. I loved connecting with other souls through meditation, doing readings and chatting about all spiritual, in a few words, practising our gifts or recovering/discovering new ones. This will be relevant soon…bear with me…. So back to the new place we now lived at. One day, a few months maybe a year in (not sure if Mercury might have been in retrograde?) the computer crashed. Fabulous… right? I brought the pc to the shop to be revived. The computer tech set the emails (by mistake?) onto the last provider’s email setting (I had no idea that one could do that) As I booted the pc up at home, I had numerous emails on that account which I haven’t seen yet. One in particular caught my eye. It was an email from one of the Angels from the gatherings I used to go to, but haven’t been for some time. This Angel asked me if I would like to read my Angel cards (and do my Psychic “thing”) for “real” people at a place called the River House…. and of course I will get paid for my work. Oh wow! Until now I only read for family and friends; you know, always practising. There were feelings of excitement and of fear all wrapped into one. The Universe and Angels just presented me with CHOICE. I decided to give it a go and go for it. After all I have done the Doreen Virtue Angel course, and I know how it all works right? I do receive insights from the Angels… but “real, paying” people…still was a scary thought…the responsibility…suddenly my passion became REAL. I went and had a fantastic day. Just LOVED it! I loved being of service, guidance and assistance. So…. If the computer hadn’t crashed…and let me tell you I wasn’t too impressed when it happened….and the computer tech wouldn’t have put the “wrong” email setting (I had a few things to say about that too…), I would have never seen this email. I believe because I took this opportunity, other opportunities have arisen later. Spirit decided that it was time for me to venture out into the “real” world and “interfered”. No doubt that I have asked for guidance and how to read for “real” people, but still… You ask you receive, as simple as that. Always keep your asking positive and uplifting, ask for what you WANT or BETTER. The Universe will deliver the way it sees it fit and always for your highest good. A few months later a lady at work handed me a piece of paper. Oh, there was a psychic fair in my neck of the woods and they needed Psychic readers! My workmate had assumed that I am already part of it, after all, I am a Psychic reader and I live where the fair took place. You guessed it; I had no idea that this event was happening, I rang the number on the bottom of the piece of paper and applied for the gig, by giving a reading over the phone. This was my start to participate in Psychic Fairs around the Brisbane area. Spirit does work in mysterious ways and the timing is always right. It is then up to us if we want to take the opportunity or give it a miss. Trusting our abilities and having faith in ourselves is vital, but remember, the Universe would not present us with opportunities we are not ready for. So sometimes we just need to jump over our own shadow and take the plunge. Trust and listen to your Intuition and always follow your heart. I am grateful to all the people who played a vital role and to the people who still play a vital role, to get me “up and going” and hold my back. I am grateful to the Angels and Universe for always holding my back and pushing me into the right direction and towards opportunities. Some may say that I am lucky… I say, that I took and that I am still taking the opportunities that present themselves, put in the hard work sprinkled with a lot of passion… call it lucky if you want (smiles). If you follow your passion and put in the work you WILL succeed. Love & Light Toni |
February 2022