SIGNS... are you aware of signs that your Angels, Spirit Guides and Loved one's send you?
I personally LOVE signs... even if sometimes I don't know what they mean right at this moment in time OR how to interpret them... Let me tell you a story... For a few weeks a pair of crows came to our house daily, always around the same time, flying into our windows (and let me tell you, my windows are not clean), seeming to peck at insects (that was my thoughts anyway). The first time they came my immediate thought went to... who died? As my mum always said, crows bring death, or let you know about a passed over soul. This happened daily for weeks! It gotten to a point where I googled... on how to deter crows... To say the least Google was not much of a help as the suggestions varied from buying an Owl statue, hanging up shiny objects (which I already have) to shooting the crows.... not really what I was looking for. On a Monday morning at 4am, I found our much loved kitty-cat Miss Doris in a dire condition. As I had to go to work (early shift) my husband took her to the animal hospital, which is located just around the corner from where he works. Already crying my eyes out, I said my goodbye's as I had a feeling that I won't see Miss Doris again. I put my sunnies on (to hide my tears) and went to take the train to work. At the train station I was approached by a man who did a survey for Queensland Rail. Jeez, really? Anyway, I told him we need toilets in ALL the trains. That was the best I could come up with teary eyed. Sunnies back on... board the train. The lady next to me, decides to take a book out.... with the title.... I LET YOU GO! Thank's Angels.... more tears.... Walking from the trainstation to the Hospital... there was a crow (just one) attacking, what I first thought was a Rat, but turned out to be a baby Possum. Possum baby saw me, and I kid you not, ran straight between my feet (I wear big shoes to work. This was the perfect hiding space for baby Possum). Now this never happens or does it? At this time a lady approached. She said that she would call RSPCA to come and collect baby Possum, as there was no mum Possum in sight. Have you ever Googled... Spiritual meaning of Possum? Possums will play dead in dire situations, yet this one came running up to me. Yet again .... death.... By that stage I truly knew that Miss Doris is going to go over the Rainbow Bridge.... yet, still keeping a glimmer of hope.... maybe the signs are "wrong" or I interpreted them "wrong".... clinging to hope never the less. Shortly after the Vet rang.... her words were.... It is time to let her go..... And the crows? They have stopped to visit our house.... Coincidence? Maybe... I let you be the judge. The survey at the trainstation? Not sure what that was about.... Signs are all around us. It is then up to us, to be aware of them or to deny them. As hard as it can be.... for me, signs are and will always be a comfort. Something I can rely on and trust in ... even if it isn't pretty or happy news. We miss our spunky (as a client of mine used to describe Doris) Doris terribly.... As I said many times.... this life/death business sucks big time.... but it is part of us. Much Love Toni |
February 2022