If you read my previous blog, you might remember my struggle with my weight, my constant mood-swings and constant tiredness.
You might remember also, that I decided to take myself to a Naturopath. Since last August I find myself in a personal year #6, which stands for Relationships, Love, Creativity... As I always "harper" on to others... the Relationship you have with yourself is THE most important one. So it was time for me to take my one advice. My first visit at the Naturopath was... well, let's say it opened my eyes. Here I thought my body was in perfect health, as nothing (other then the left knee) really hurts. Just tired, moody and overweight. After the consult I was sent home with an eating plan and a piece of paper of what NOT to eat. Not eating certain foods, well o.k.... but one of the rules was ONLY 1 COFFEE!!!! a day. From let's say 8 cups to 1.... HUGE difference. I said to myself : Come on Toni you do have a determination arrow in your birth chart. Surely you can do this? Ha, I was so determined to get this right, that I decided to have NO coffee... you heard right form 8 to 0! My next appointment was 2 weeks later. I behaved, followed the eating plan and took the supplements. Born as a Ruling/Life Path #7 I was highly sceptical. Ruling #7 don't trust easily... but my intuition told me that I was going down the right path for me. Anyway, 2 weeks later I have lost 3kg and 7cm around my waist (bye bye bloating! bye bye fat and retained water) and I was feeling less moody and had more energy! Happy Dance? YES! I am now at week 10 (and I, yes, I sneak a coffee here and then.... BLISS) and YES I do fit in my size 14 tight jeans quite comfortably, they may be even a bit lose on me.... Am I glad that I listened to my body crying out for help? YES Am I glad that I asked help? YES Am I glad that I introduced change and changed my habits? YES Am I glad my body works as it should again? YES Did I recommend this Naturopath to my friends, family and clients? YES YES YES YES The moral of this story is.... listen to your inner voice. Even if it costs a little money... remember YOU ARE WORTH IT! Happiness comes from within. I suffered from a leaky gut... Which in spiritual terms translates to ... giving the power away (solar plexus chakra - yellow chakra). Healing my tummy (my spiritual centre) translated also to being more in tune with myself, others and the Angels. Love & Light Toni MONEY MONEY MONEY....or the lack there of....
Money makes the world go round... or so they say... but is it really? My background with money comes from a LACK there of. Don't get me wrong, my sister and I always had what we needed. With the emphasis mostly on the NEEDED. I saw my mum struggle to provide us kids with "fun" things, like going to the movies or a puppet show (yes, I am that old...lols), when we were in need of shoes or clothes. My mum was a master, as we never felt that we missed out! How she ever done it I don't know. Anyway, why I am telling you this? The LACK of having money was instilled in me from a very early age. This was all I have ever known to be the truth. Money = struggle street.... Because of this mind-set, it was a constant struggle ( I didn't know any different). Until, one day a friend said to me.... "why are you so tight with money"? Why? yes why? So I decided to do something about it, as it was very stressful for me to constantly check the bank balance to make sure that there was "enough". Exactly at around that time, the Angels placed Jacqui Blackmore from InnerZing in my path, and I decided to have Body Talk sessions. You know, to clear this old pattern of LACK and replace it with ABUNDANCE. Starting a new chapter. And it worked wonders! I started to feel FREE! No need to check the bank balance constantly as suddenly TRUST of being ABUNDANT was there. Until.... little reminders pop up, from the past.... like yesterday.... Out shopping, I bought some Easter bags, which, I swear, I saw, cost $2. At the checkout they scanned nearly $7 and needless to say, this catapulted me right back to the past and I started to hyperventilate! I had to really STOP myself not to return the items. Instead, I took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that I am abundant (and they were pretty bags after all) and that it is o.k. to sometimes have nice things that are NOT on sale. The point I am trying to make is. Nice things don't need to cost a lot of money to bring joy in ones life's, but if they do cost a little more, and you LOVE them, it is o.k. to have them too. Money is all but an energy exchange. One energy for another. It is o.k. to WANT money! The more you have, the more you can spread around :) Think ABUNDANCE! Trust me, you will never forget where you come from. If you come from a past of LACK like myself, you will appreciate even more what you have today. And let me tell you, it doesn't take much for me to do a happy dance :) Am I GRATEFUL? YES Do I think that I am ABUNDANT? YES Why not heal your past or present and change the outlook and the relationship YOU have with money. Allow the energy to FLOW! by removing the BLOCKS! Does money make the world go round? Energy makes the world go round.... if money is energy... you be the judge :) If you are still reading..... Thank you :) If you are interested on how to remove money blocks, sometimes all you need, is to have a better understanding of yourself and your life lessons. Yes! NUMEROLOGY will highlight YOUR struggle street. If you know where the LACK is coming from, you can do something about it. If you want some more info or would like to book yourself in for a closer analysis.... give me a hoi :) Love and Light Toni Like so many women, I too struggle with my body changes and mood swings.
Some days I feel very aggressive... I know, you may think... No way, that doesn't sound like Toni. Let me tell you, this is VERY REAL. The Blessing (or not) may be that I am totally AWARE of how I behave. It is a total roller coaster of feeling happy, calm and balanced to feeling and behaving like a lunatic. Yes, bulging eyes, wild hair and flinging arms - Cruella DeVille like. And the weight.... The more I exercise and cut out "crap" the more weight I put on? What the? And all the weight seems to sit around my tummy, hips and thighs.... just GRAND! Buying new clothes is just not on! I refuse! Do you hear me Angels and Universe? My affirmation at the moment is.... I do fit COMFORTABLY into my size 14 K Mart jeans (so God, the Angels and the Universe help me). Pathetic (I know) but Important for me (mad I know) So, what's a girl to do, to feel good in herself once again? Meditation and Reiki are the number one go to tool for me. My spiritual work always leaves me happy, balanced... content. But I can't live my life in the Spirit World with the Angels (food for thought), I am here on earth on a physical realm, to experiencing the physical. I felt that I need "outside" help. Soooo I started working with a Naturopath.... and.... this Lifepath #7 has to listen to advice. Not easy.... but I can do it (so God, the Angels and the Universe help me). Watch this space.... it should show me in my size 14 jeans very soon! I know it is not the clothes size that matters (there is a blog about this somewhere too), but... there is always a but... this is a great guide for me, a physical guide where I feel comfortable in my own skin. Then reality is.... I don't won't to end up like my mum.... grossly overweight, uncomfortable, ill and not able to move or tie my shoe laces by myself.... and leave this earth at a very early age (miss my mum every day, especially now). I love myself too much for that. I don't care that people say..... You look o.k.... I DON'T FEEL O.K. This is all about ME MYSELF and I... and my FEELINGS. No matter what is going on in your life, how big or small the problem is, or what you need help with, don't be afraid or embarrassed to go get help or ask for help Life is short, let's spend it happy. I think I just got side-tracked..... allowed the writing to flow.... And YES, I always see the beauty and light in people and NOT their size. If it comes to myself.... that is (unfortunately) still the first I see (my size... always did always have). Something I (still) need to work on, as it totally goes back to my childhood and this blog just highlighted it (again). Start writing.... start sharing.... and together we move forward with ease and a light heart (and body). YAY for AWARENESS right? :) Love & Light Toni What a week...everything just seems so hard, like dragging the feet through the mud.
The super full moon in Virgo doesn't seem to do me any favours either.... Anyway to my story, which put a smile on my face and I hope it will put a smile on your face too. This morning, while having coffee, suddenly I heard this tiny voice... and yes, it alerted our super cat Doris. Thought, I better go and investigate... and... OMG, the tiniest of birdies has found its way into the house (someone left the screen door open....). Shooing Doris away, I picked up the teeny tiny birdie, which was smaller than the size of my palm. The birdie was panting and the tiny heart beat a hundred miles an hour. My heart opened up.... I cupped the birdie gently, while I connected to the Universal Energy, called Reiki. Allowing the Reiki Energy to flow for the Highest Good; either the birdie will survive, or if the time has come to leave earth, it will go receiving a lot of Love. I swear, we had "a moment". We looked at one another, connecting from a place of love. My heart opened even more (if that was even possible). Standing outside, still cupping the birdie, still sending Reiki.... suddenly it just flew out of my hands, as nothing has happened. Phew, what a moment! Reiki, the Universal Life Energy, always works for the Highest Good of the recipient. In this case it wasn't the birdies time to go. I am very grateful, that I was led down the "Reiki Path" many years ago. I love being an instrument to pass on Love and Healing Energy. Sure the birdie might have survived regardless... but... the Reiki energy provided it with love and healing.... and... that moment we shared I will treasure for ever. Feeling very blessed. Reiki is a beautiful, gentle, healing energy. If you are interested to
Feel free to message me or check out my website www.angelteachings.com/ Reiki Love Toni We have just moved into our new place, on acreage a little bit out of Brisbane.
Due to living in the “bush”, we had to change to the sole internet and telephone provider available at the time in this part of Brisbane. This meant that the email address changed. If you ever changed your email address, you know that you can miss to notify a few people easily….well, as I am no computer or internet whiz I sure did. That was around the time I used to connect with like-minded people once a month at an Angel gathering. I loved connecting with other souls through meditation, doing readings and chatting about all spiritual, in a few words, practising our gifts or recovering/discovering new ones. This will be relevant soon…bear with me…. So back to the new place we now lived at. One day, a few months maybe a year in (not sure if Mercury might have been in retrograde?) the computer crashed. Fabulous… right? I brought the pc to the shop to be revived. The computer tech set the emails (by mistake?) onto the last provider’s email setting (I had no idea that one could do that) As I booted the pc up at home, I had numerous emails on that account which I haven’t seen yet. One in particular caught my eye. It was an email from one of the Angels from the gatherings I used to go to, but haven’t been for some time. This Angel asked me if I would like to read my Angel cards (and do my Psychic “thing”) for “real” people at a place called the River House…. and of course I will get paid for my work. Oh wow! Until now I only read for family and friends; you know, always practising. There were feelings of excitement and of fear all wrapped into one. The Universe and Angels just presented me with CHOICE. I decided to give it a go and go for it. After all I have done the Doreen Virtue Angel course, and I know how it all works right? I do receive insights from the Angels… but “real, paying” people…still was a scary thought…the responsibility…suddenly my passion became REAL. I went and had a fantastic day. Just LOVED it! I loved being of service, guidance and assistance. So…. If the computer hadn’t crashed…and let me tell you I wasn’t too impressed when it happened….and the computer tech wouldn’t have put the “wrong” email setting (I had a few things to say about that too…), I would have never seen this email. I believe because I took this opportunity, other opportunities have arisen later. Spirit decided that it was time for me to venture out into the “real” world and “interfered”. No doubt that I have asked for guidance and how to read for “real” people, but still… You ask you receive, as simple as that. Always keep your asking positive and uplifting, ask for what you WANT or BETTER. The Universe will deliver the way it sees it fit and always for your highest good. A few months later a lady at work handed me a piece of paper. Oh, there was a psychic fair in my neck of the woods and they needed Psychic readers! My workmate had assumed that I am already part of it, after all, I am a Psychic reader and I live where the fair took place. You guessed it; I had no idea that this event was happening, I rang the number on the bottom of the piece of paper and applied for the gig, by giving a reading over the phone. This was my start to participate in Psychic Fairs around the Brisbane area. Spirit does work in mysterious ways and the timing is always right. It is then up to us if we want to take the opportunity or give it a miss. Trusting our abilities and having faith in ourselves is vital, but remember, the Universe would not present us with opportunities we are not ready for. So sometimes we just need to jump over our own shadow and take the plunge. Trust and listen to your Intuition and always follow your heart. I am grateful to all the people who played a vital role and to the people who still play a vital role, to get me “up and going” and hold my back. I am grateful to the Angels and Universe for always holding my back and pushing me into the right direction and towards opportunities. Some may say that I am lucky… I say, that I took and that I am still taking the opportunities that present themselves, put in the hard work sprinkled with a lot of passion… call it lucky if you want (smiles). If you follow your passion and put in the work you WILL succeed. Love & Light Toni Sooo, here I was in October 2018, getting all happy about the new Fireman Calendar.
YES! it has Kittens in it! How can I resist? If you know me, you know by now, that I have one of these calendars hanging up in my Healing room every year... you know, to keep the energy balanced (smiles). Every year, I get one (speak buy 6) of the calendars for my family in Switzerland. After all it is for a very good cause, as we all now... fires can rage in Australia. Sooo, all happy I mail them all off... and.... comes November... comes December... and the calendars have still not arrived at the destination. I even mailed them on a 11/2 day! In a 11/2 year! What could go wrong? December comes and goes... and still no calendars... By now everyone has accepted that they got lost in the mail, or someone REALLY needed a Aussie Fireman calendar (couldn't really blame them... smiles). But then... oh joy! on January 3 it has arrived. The parcel just went to Malaysia first. I can only imagine the puzzled faces trying to find the delivery address in Malaysia. After 2 months someone must have noticed that the parcel was meant to go to Switzerland. Too funny really... just imagine.... Anyway, isn't it just the perfect example of patience and expectation? When you ask for something, do you put an expectation on it? And if it doesn't happen instantly get upset or disheartened? If things don't go your way, do you give up? When you ask for something do NOT put any expectations on it. The Angels/Universe will deliver what you have asked for, or better, at the exact right time. Usually when you don't expect it anymore... That's why it is important to ask for what you WANT! Because you will receive it eventually... Sometimes, time needs to go by, for you to be ready to receive and being able to handle what you have asked for. In this case, happy smiles all around, as everyone LOVES Kittens! And we all support the hardworking Australian Firemen. The moral of the story.... Ask for what you WANT, without attaching any EXPECTATIONS on it..... and by a Fireman Calendar :) Love & Light Toni Petrol prices aside (eye roll), I had to get some juice for my car the other day, as I truly was driving on Angel Wings.
I always let the pump stop where it needs to and on this glorious day it gave me number 67 or 76 a double number! Needless to say that I was very excited... and yes I got the funny looks from my fellow "petrol- pumpers". And... to top it off, there were the numbers 40 and 24. Happy Dance indeed! What does it all mean? Glad you asked... here we go with some INSIGHTS into NUMEROLOGY. 67 The #6 holds the energy of Harmony, Beauty, Creativity, Love... and being of Service. A number highlighting Stability and Integrity. The #7 is, as I call it the "karmic" number. It holds the energy of sacrifice, responsibility, strength, psychic powers, lessons....and TEACHING. As you may know, I am holding my first online Masterclass - INSIGHTS INTO NUMEROLOGY. Am I nervous? You bet you! Am I excited? You bet you! So this was the perfect number sign/message for me! Gotta Love numbers right? The #67 suggests that the work I am doing or aspire to do is fully encouraged and supported - YAY! The #67 is a sign for spiritual, heart-centred advancement -YAY! In a nutshell... TEACHING from the HEART. If you have noticed... I did pump the petrol at the #1 station. 1 New Beginnings, creativity, strength, individuality, success Did you also notice the #40 and #24? 4 Holds the energy of practicality, honesty, reliability... and hard work. It sits in the heart space and encourage to follow your dreams. The 0 is giving extra strength to the 4. A double whammy if you like. 2 Holds the energy of sensitivity, harmony, imagination, creativity.... and emotion. A great number for manifesting your dreams into reality. Numbers hold a lot of energy and as I like to think wisdom. We are surrounded by numbers, why not allow them to speak to you. Over the next few days be aware of numbers you see around you and I am not talking necessarily about the 111 222 etc... but numbers you might haven't been aware of, like 67. Who would have thought that pumping petrol could be fun and insightful. As mentioned I do hold a FREE Masterclass INSIGHTS into Numerology on Thursday 15 Nov This class will highlight on how to CALCULATE all aspects of your life. No Maths skills needed. To sign up click the link https://www.angelteachings.com/workshops.html until next time Toni The signs of abundance can sometimes be clear as mud... or simply clear. Maybe it is us which make them clear as mud at times by over-thinking and not really believing that we are deserving of abundance.
My abundance "stint" started with this number plate in Switzerland last month. I saw it and yes, I got very excited... all these 8! That can only mean luck, abundance and power. Probably like so many of us, after my excitement ebbed, I couldn't remember what I was thinking immediately before seeing all the 8's. I had the sign and forgot my question for the Angels (shoot). Anyway, holding onto the thought of abundance, crossing my fingers to win big or that something big will happen, I went on my merry way. Abundance 1: The next day I went into the city and saw the gorgeous owl cards, which I just had to have. After a bit of "haggling" I did get them at a discounted prize (well it was the display pack after all, as they had sold out. Only fair right? Sure but not usual in Switzerland as my cousin assured me... LOLs). Abundance 2: Back home there was a Gold Lotto Cheque! waiting for me. Nothing huge ($17) but it was something I didn't expect and wooohooo! it was a Gold Lotto Cheque how ever small didn't matter. My mind now was set to ABUNDANCE. My energy maybe demanded ABUNDANCE, then shortly after... Abundance 3: I just Needed to go to the beach, put my feet in the sand and water. I dragged my husband with me (he doesn't enjoy beach walks... I know... unbelievable right?). Anyway as it was a VERY breezy day we decided to go to the local surf club for coffee. You guessed it... we did put a couple of dollars into the pokie machines...AND... the $2 won us $140. Woohooo! Again not huge... but a win. This staying in the abundance flow thing seems to work! Abundance 4: I was given some money for my birthday with the order to buy myself something nice when I return home. Immediately my mind went to... I need new work shoes, a new work bag... STOP wasn't the order to buy something nice? Ha, how about a Nespresso Coffee machine? YES! My friend Google told me that the "cheaper" ones sell at $199.... not bad I guess, as it is good coffee... Off I go to buy one... and guess what? There was a further deduction on that day, so I got it for $179 and they chucked in an extra box of free capsules! WOW! I really enjoy this abundance thing. My GRATEFUL metre is rising by the minute! Abundance 5: I won Gold Lotto again! Again only a small amount ($12) but... abundance never the less. Yes I have re-invested the $12... watch this space... Abundance comes in many ways. If it is small wins, new friends, people who help us or free "stuff" doesn't matter. Staying in the flow of receiving and feeling happy and good about it is important. Being grateful for little things will bring more abundance into your life. Watch the signs around you. This may be the number 8 or feathers or personalised number plates... You know best what carries significance for you. Uplifted energy will attract good things and people into your life. I hope that this blog will uplift your energy to manifest what you desire into your life, how ever small or big it may be. Remember.... YOU DESERVE IT! Love & Light Toni Bucket list... Do you have one? Do you have a list of things you want to do and places you want to go to see? To make matters worse, is this bucket getting fuller and fuller, squashing your dreams and aspirations you once had to the bottom ... to be forgotten?
I personally never liked bucket lists and therefore don't have one. My aspirations and dreams keep changing, with one constant.... I like where I am, what I do and what I stand for. So all I need is right here with me. A family and friends that I cherish, a home I love and a job that I love getting up for every day. Am I fortunate? Yes I am and immensely grateful. Was I fed with a silver spoon and everything just fell/falls into my lap? I wish Do I need or want to see places before I die? NO Do I want to jump out of a plane or do some other crazy things? NO All the crazy I need and want in my life is right here and now with me. Sure, I love travelling and go on a holiday and experience different cultures as everyone else... but it doesn't have to be, it is not a necessity for me. I guess what I am trying to say is... Everything you need is right there, inside you. Doing crazy things or going to see exotic places will not change the essence of who you are. It may highlight it but not change. So... why squash your dreams and put a condition on them. You know the ones..... I'll do this... when I go see this... when. Today do something you always wanted to do but never found the time, or just felt bad if you would have.... Go see that movie after dropping off the kids at school.... Go to the beach on a Thursday... Have lunch with a friend.... jump out of a plane... what ever it is DO IT! Time is the most valuable "thing" we have. The "one day I will" speech....forget about it. Make plans today to achieve that goal. Yes! right now! What do you need to achieve your dream? You want to travel and have no money? Look at your budget. Is there options to pay for your holiday. Time? Take all these accumulated holidays, what are you saving them for? Organise someone to look after your house and pets when you are away. Health? How can you manage your health when you are away... Is there support. What you don't want is to one day say... I wish I would have.... Live today! Life is short and later might never come. Time is your most valuable item you have on earth. Make it count! Do or don't do.... but BE On this note....I am off to spend some time Overseas with family and friends. Never know when the next time will be.... Love & Cherish always Toni As you might know, I have participated in a few Fairs lately, “show-casing” my talents, so to speak.
I LOVE doing readings and healings for people. I LOVE shedding some light on issues you might encounter, providing you with insights, confirmation, guidance… and inspiration. The question that keeps “popping” up is…. How did it start for you? How did you start? When did you know that it is not just in your head? Well, let me share my story (don’t worry I try to keep it short). As a child I had spirit encounters, went on astral travels frequently, talked to Spirit and had very weird and at times scary dreams, so much so that my parents installed a night light (it was a soft green light – AA Raphael, but not that anyone was aware of it back then). Was I aware of what I was doing? No. For me it was all normal until the night when my beloved great-grandma passed away. I woke up and saw her sitting on my bed; just sitting there… saying her good-byes. Needless to say that this experience freaked me out and from then on I shut the Spirit World out. I was 7 years old. I now was in my mid 30’s, lots has happened since I was 7 years old… but… I kid you not, one morning I woke up with the URGE to learn REIKI. Yes I knew about Reiki, since my mum was a Reiki Practitioner for quite some time. Did I think it was the greatest thing under the sun? A big fat NO! Didn’t believe in any of it! And yet… here I am waking up with the urge to learn it. Weird… or guidance from “upstairs”? To cut a long story short I listened to the nudges and enrolled to do a Reiki level I workshop and get attuned to the Reiki energy. As they say, the rest is history. At first I didn’t notice much change, but my family sure did. My husband says to this day that getting “involved” with Reiki was the best thing I have ever done (big statement LOL). I started to feel more calm and balanced. Life started to flow… and… my sixth sense woke up again. Everything around me started to fall into place. Work, finances, family, friends… just because my energy changed, my outlook changed, my expectations changed and I changed. After a period of Self-Healing (a few months), I then went on to get attuned to Reiki II. And again, things started to fall into place in my “Spiritual world”. I started to be of service to others. Now, being a Reiki Master, it gives me great joy to attune souls to the Reiki energy and assist them on their journey. Just like many other tools, Reiki is a tool too, a very gentle tool. Reiki is Universal life energy, which balances and harmonises yourself, situations, places, conditions…. Reiki works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I Reiki myself everyday (mainly before I go to sleep or when I meditate). Reiki truly has changed my life and those around me for the better. I also have a healing list, which contains people, places, events and situations, where I send healing to on a regular basis. Did I mention that my cats LOVE Reiki? Yes, animals love to receive as well. If you are intrigued and would love to know more… give me a hoi or email me. If you would like to get attuned to Reiki I and start your journey… give me a hoi or email me. If you would like to move forward with Reiki and get attuned to level II or Master… give me a hoi or email me. The Five Spiritual Principles of Reiki Just for today, I will let go of anger Just for today, I will let go of worry Today, I will count my many blessings Today, I will do my work honestly Today I will be kind to every living creature ~ Dr.Mikao Usui For the Highest Good Love & Light Toni |
February 2022