As you may know 28 years ago my husband and I packed our suitcase and a big wooden box and moved permanently to beautiful, sunny Australia... and yes, we own an Australian passport. As you do here in Australia, we moved a few times. My husband’s dream was always to own land, lots of land. Coming from Switzerland where most people live in Units that was understandable but not practical work wise at the time. 20 years later he found a newish suburb called Mundoolun. Was I impressed? Not really, but that's a whole other story... smiles. Anyhow we ended up buying a piece of land, which at the time only had a lot number. All good as I wasn't into Numerology yet. The house was built and the house number it came with added up to a #2 “Living in a #2 house will bring spiritual/metaphysical interests (meditation, psychic development, meetings). This house number and its occupants usually sets the neighbours talking.” Guess what happened? We moved in and shortly after meetings started to happen. At first we were 3 ladies meeting, meditating, chatting and sharing. Slowly more people got attracted to participate in our fortnightly Goddess Gatherings . And I am sure that the neighbours have plenty to talk about, especially after our full moon drumming evenings... Call me silly, but I am sure that our #2 house supports my spiritual work. We are a great match. I love where I you? CLICK HERE IF YOU WOULD LIKE A FREE PDF DOWNLOAD TO LEARN ABOUT YOUR HOUSE NUMBER Comments are closed.
February 2022